Making Donations Using This Website
As part of this website, we provide an online facility that enables you to make donations to PETA. If you request a receipt for your donation, one will be sent to the address provided, and online donations will appear on your statement under the name “PETA Australia”.
Generally, once received, a donation cannot be returned to you or cancelled. However, a refund may be available if you make an error in your donation. If you make an error, please contact PETA as soon as possible, and provided that you contact us within five working days of the error being made, we will endeavour to provide you with a refund.
The credit cards and payment methods that PETA accepts for donations will, from time to time, be described on this website. PETA may apply a surcharge from time to time for the use of certain credit cards, and where we do so this will also be described on this website.
If PETA is unable to successfully process your credit card for your donation or we do not receive payment for your donation, then we may cancel your donation.
If you choose to make a donation by credit card, you authorise PETA to debit the amount that is payable for the relevant donation from your nominated credit card.
You must not make a donation, or attempt to make a donation, through any fraudulent or unlawful means.