Animals Used for Clothing

“Drop Exotic Skins” Projections Target Olympic Partner in Paris

As Paris prepares to host the 2024 Olympic Games, PETA France shone a light on the cruelty perpetuated by Olympic partner LVMH’s use of exotic animal skins.

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Will Woolshed Change Its Name to ‘Woolshit’?

There’s no place for woolsheds in the green, kind future we all want.

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Live Export of Sheep by Sea Will End in 2028

Thanks to decades of work from intrepid investigators and dedicated campaigners, the government has finally set a date to end the live export of sheep by sea.

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Earth Day Challenge: Skip Showers or Go Vegan

A single day of eating vegan saves 4,160 litres of water – the equivalent of four months’ worth of showers.

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Gucci Parent Company Connected to Gruesome Snake Killings

A yearlong investigation into the exotic-skins industry reveals unmitigated suffering for pythons.

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