Animals Used for Clothing

How To Vote Against Live-Export, Without Waiting for Politicians Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals

How To Vote Against Live-Export, Without Waiting for Politicians

It isn’t enough to sit back and hope that the government will take action to stop live export. We need to do more.

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Competition to Help ‘Discover’ Vegan Wool

The 2018 Biodesign Challenge for university students includes the first-ever prize for Animal-Free Wool.

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Gillian Anderson Is Naked in ‘Liberating’ New Anti-Fur Campaign

As New York Fashion Week unfolds, PETA US has unveiled a gigantic billboard showing Gillian Anderson wearing little more than a smile with the slogan “I’d Rather Go Naked …

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Huge News: Norway Is Banning Fur Farming!

Huge News: Norway Is Banning Fur Farming! The country is currently home to 300 fur farms, which breed and kill 700,000 minks and 110,000 foxes every year, so this …

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BREAKING: Gucci Ditches Fur © Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals

BREAKING: Gucci Ditches Fur

You sometimes have to hit a stone over and over and over again before it cracks. Well, Gucci has finally cracked! 🍾🎉 After pressuring Gucci to drop fur for over …

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