Animals Used for Clothing

Crocodiles Cut Open, Skinned in Vietnam for Leather Bags

A new PETA video exposé reveals the suffering and agonising deaths of crocodiles in Vietnam to make “luxury” leather bags for Louis Vuitton and other brands—help stop this!

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PETA Activists Tell Kathmandu: ‘I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Down’

PETA supporters descended on a Kathmandu store on the Sunshine Coast to ask the company to stop using cruelly obtained down feathers in its products.

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VICTORY: Designers Drop Angora in Droves

As PETA continues to raise awareness of the cruelty of angora production, designers are pledging to drop the material from their collections in droves.

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VICTORY! Anglicare Op Shops Introduce Fur-Free Policy

After discussions with PETA, Anglicare Australia introduces a fur-free policy in its op shops in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, and Victoria.

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Joaquin Phoenix Says, ‘Cruelty Doesn’t Suit Me,’ in New Anti-Wool Ad

Actor and animal advocate Joaquin Phoenix stars in a new PETA ad proclaiming, “Please Leave Wool out of Your Wardrobe”.

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