Animals Used for Clothing

WATCH: Mena Suvari Blasts Cruel Down Industry

What American Pie actor Mena Suvari did after learning about ducks and geese in the down industry will make you want to speak out for animals too.

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ASOS to Ban the Sale of All Mohair, Silk, Cashmere, and Feathers

Online Fashion Retailer announces it’ll ban mohair, cashmere, silk, down, and feathers.

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Jacinda Ardern Receives Baby Gift from PETA

New Zealand prime minister’s new-born to receive a warm welcome.

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Update: Brands That Have Ditched Cruelly Obtained Mohair

Following a disturbing PETA exposé of cruelty in the mohair industry, dozens of brands have committed to dropping the material from their lines.

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Will Sydney Follow Sister City’s Lead and Ban Fur Sales?

PETA petitions mayor to join San Francisco in going fur-free.

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