Animals Used for Clothing

Don’t Celebrate Mardi Gras With Cruelly Obtained Feathers – They Were Stolen From Someone

Feathers aren’t obtained humanely – they’re torn from terrified birds who are killed for their flesh or skin.

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Here’s Why Ginger & Smart Will Never Use Exotic Skins or Angora Fur

Shoppers don’t want animals to suffer and die for fashion, and the destructive impact of fur and leather on the planet is well known.

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Update From Fremantle: 10 Days of Rest but No Reprieve

Near Fremantle Harbour, PETA’s latest billboard reminds passersby that “sheep can’t fight for sheep’s rights”.

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There’s Nothing Humane About Australia’s Crocodile Welfare Standards Farm Transparency Project

There’s Nothing Humane About Australia’s Crocodile Welfare Standards

The Australian government is currently reviewing the Code of Practice on the Humane Treatment of Wild and Farmed Australian Crocodiles, which is long overdue an overhaul.

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