Animals Used for Food

Are ‘Superbugs’ Lurking in Your Supper?

People who eat meat aren’t only hurting animals and the environment, they might also be putting some nasty bugs and bacteria into their own bodies. A recently released report …

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Speak Up for Animals Used for Food

Animals used for food are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them as they are crammed by the thousands into filthy sheds, confined to tiny cages …

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Cruelty in Slaughterhouses and on Factory Farms – Just Part of the Job P. Mark

Cruelty in Slaughterhouses and on Factory Farms – Just Part of the Job

The recent expose of animal abuse at yet another Australian facility has authorities once again scrambling to save the industry’s bacon – literally. Authorities raided Wally’s Piggery at Murrumbateman, …

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Shocking New Animal Abuse Uncovered in Foreign Abattoirs

As yet more shocking video footage emerges showing animals in foreign abattoirs being routinely tortured and abused, the question must surely be asked: when will enough be enough? Compassion …

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