History in the Making! French National Assembly Votes to Protect Animals
A historic vote for animals took place this week in France. Following the big announcements last September, progress for animals was made with an animal welfare bill successfully passing through the National Assembly this week – now it’s on to the Senate!
Here’s what the bill includes:
A Ban on Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses
Already banned in many countries across Europe, circuses which force wild animals to perform will no longer be allowed to operate in France in five years’ time.
This move reflects the wishes of the majority of French people, 72% of whom are in favour of a ban, knowing that forcing wild animals to perform confusing tricks is a barbaric practice that has no place in a compassionate society.
Nearly 60,000 compassionate people signed PETA France’s petition demanding the ban. PETA France and long-time friend Pamela Anderson had also written to 36,000 French mayors encouraging them to refuse to grant circuses with wild animals permission to pitch their tents on council land. Over 400 of them, including the mayors of Paris, Grenoble, and Montpellier, did just that.
Another piece of good news is the ban on pony carousels, cruel attractions in which ponies are tied up all day long, sometimes without water or protection from the elements, and forced to go round and round in circles carrying children on their backs (think live-animal merry-go-rounds).
An End to Cetacean Captivity
Last September, French Minister of Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili declared her intention to ban the breeding or acquisition of cetaceans by marine parks and to put an end to their captivity.
The French National Assembly voted to do exactly that, with a seven-year transition period to find a solution for the orcas and dolphins currently held in French marine parks.
Thousands of PETA France supporters participated in protests, signed petitions, wrote letters, shared exposés, and encouraged friends and family to stay away from these watery prisons.
A Ban on the Breeding of All Wild Animals for Fur
Following years of campaigning by animal rights organisations, including the efforts of 90,000 compassionate PETA France supporters and celebrities like Sophie Marceau, Lolita Lempicka, Hélène de Fougerolles, and Marilou Berry, the bloody, violent fur industry will soon be shut down for good – and this decision was passed with a reduced two-year deadline, down from the original date of 2025.
An End to Exploiting Animals on TV
The MPs also voted for an immediate ban on the use of wild animals at events and in discos, as well as on the sets of TV shoots, and to end the training of wolves and bears within two years.
Strengthening the Protection of Companion Animals
A licence will be required for anyone acquiring an animal for the first time, ensuring that novice guardians understand the specific needs of their new companion.
The penalties for cruelty to animals have been increased to a maximum of three years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 45,000 for abuse and up to a maximum of five years and a fine of € 75,000 if that abuse results in an animal’s death.
And last but certainly not least, the assembly voted to ban the sale of dogs and cats online or in pet shops!
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When we work together to fight injustice and demand an end to archaic industries that imprison, exploit, hurt, or kill the animals with whom we share the planet, anything is possible.
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