Greyhound Dies on Opening Night of South Australia’s Murray Bridge Track
A dog has died following a race at the new Murray Bridge greyhound-racing track in South Australia.
At the venue’s opening event on Sunday night, a 3-year-old greyhound named He’s Okay sustained a severe right hock fracture during a race. He failed to finish and was later euthanised.
Despite years of opposition to plans to open this cruel racetrack – including around 7,000 letters from PETA supporters– the South Australian government went ahead with the project, and Greyhound Racing SA claimed that the track design would be “safer for dogs”. It’s already clear that this was an empty promise for the exploited animals who are pushed past their limits for human entertainment and profit.
According to the SA Greyhound Network, the owner of He’s Okay had earned $28,846 by racing him.
In the greyhound-racing industry, profit comes before animal welfare. Highly social and sensitive dogs are sentenced to a life spent mostly inside a cramped cage or kennel, and many die as a result of injuries such as broken legs or conditions such as heatstroke and heart attacks.
Many dogs who are bred for the industry never even take part in a race. It’s estimated that around 18,000 greyhounds – including 8,000 who are still puppies – are killed every year in Australia, simply because they aren’t fast enough to win. Last year, the bodies of nine dead greyhounds were found in a mass grave in Western Sydney and another 12 starving and sick dogs were seized from the trainer involved.
No regulations or changes to track design can create humane conditions for animals born into an abusive industry in which profit is prioritised over their well-being.
Will you please take action for dogs?
Ask the government of New South Wales – the state with the largest greyhound-racing industry – to ban this horrific “sport” now.